Master Your Emotions

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We all experience emotions. There is no escaping that. This is great when the emotions we experience feel good; it makes us want to feel it more! But when the emotions feel unpleasant we have a harder time. You can recall times where you have felt anxious, sad, angry, or afraid. You likely had thoughts about the feelings and then you likely started to have feelings about the thoughts (e.g. “I shouldn’t have to feel this! What is wrong with me? I hate this!”) These thoughts and feelings can then affect the rest of your day.

Many of you likely recognize yourself in what I have described. You’ve tried to find ways to make the feeling go away or think more positively, but it seems like the thoughts and feelings just won’t quiet down.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way you could shift your experience of these emotions? Imagine the next time another unpleasant thought or feeling occurs you think, “I know exactly what is going on here. I understand what my mind is trying to do to protect me. Now I have the tools to quiet my mind and ease the emotions!” Instead of spending effort trying to fight your thoughts and emotions, you simply move forward with clarity and wisdom. You feel better within yourself and you feel better in your relationships with other people in your life.

That is exactly what this course is designed to teach you. You will develop an understanding of:

1) What emotions are.

2) Why your mind causes thoughts & emotions (and where this creates problems).

3) Three new ways of thinking that will ease difficult feelings.

4) How to communicate yourself clearly to others when you experience difficult emotions so they better understand you.

5) Four powerful techniques to instantly bring calm and peace.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to feeling troubled by your emotions and become the master of your emotions, then click “Take this Course” to get started!

See you inside the course 🙂

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Type of Course: Self-Pace

Course Category: General Subject

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