Detailed Information

You get:

– A curriculum for training boys to become Men in the form of an all ages Father-Son guided journal.

– Access to a private discord community to share thoughts + weekly zoom calls to discuss the week’s exercise with other dads.

How will it work?

Each week, for 16 weeks, Dads will receive a piece of the guided journal.

Weeks 1 & 2 are provided on purchase – with Week 3 being released September 16th.

Each piece will comprise:

– a small piece of relationship-focussed and value centric commentary about a particular aspect of Manhood to be read and discussed,
– a set of questions and/or instructions,
– and an exercise to be completed together with your son.

This year, honour your son by intentionally guiding him to manhood.

The curriculum contents are:

Week 1: What is a good man?
Week 2: The good men in your life.
Week 3: Knight, Cowboy, Soldier, Pirate.
Week 4: Quotes on Manhood.
Week 5: How do your values compare?
Week 6: Family coat-of-arms.
Week 7: Manhood mission statement.
Week 8: Short stories on good men.
Week 9: Misconceptions about masculinity.
Week 10: Leadership.
Week 11: Brotherhood.
Week 12: A call to sacrifice, a call to live.
Week 13: Legacy.
Week 14: Strength.
Week 15: How to train your inner dragon.
Week 16: What is a good man? (pt. 2)

Price Range
$0.00 to $45.00
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